The Composition Craven show is wrapping up this weekend, and I gotta say...what an honor to have had the opportunity to contribute what I could to it. Some heavy photographs and stories from our community here in Eastern Carolina.
My collection of portraits for the show focuses on powerful images of four local high school students who are very involved in their community, and are working hard for bright futures.
Here's a little behind the scenes video of me working on it with Kayla Murphy, who was kind enough to stand in to show the process. All of these portraits were shot on a four by five inch sheet of film. The four portraits on the wall behind me are one of three different exposures of each subject. Working this closely to them with large format, you're not left with a lot of error with focus, so I tend to shoot an extra sheet for good measure.
The show is running through the 29th. If you haven't been able to, please go check it out. Not to look at my stuff, but to read the stories of Anytown USA. Humbling.
A HUGE thanks to the Craven County Arts Council for asking me to contribute my take on these portraits to this show, and Elizabeth Ellis for making it happen.