Working with film, there’s a lot of forethought that has to go into what you’re doing while out in the field. Hopefully, this involved process is felt in the final photograph, but often goes unnoticed in the making of...
Here’s a piece from a new series I’ve started, which I photographed on Saturday. Was in the RV (Research Vessel) for five hours, and traveled nearly seven miles, a good deal of which was wading across expansive sand flats, only a few inches deep, pulling the RV by rope behind me. In the rain.
Anyway...that entire day, I composed and made two photographs.
You can scroll through to see the actual film from one of them, to get an idea of what’s involved in getting things right in-camera. The photo of the 4x5 inch negative is just a straight iPhone shot against my light table. No filters added no cropping, etc...
The composition I decided on was done after moving the tripod several times, to where things felt balanced, and had to correct to keep the pilings vertical, so they wouldn’t visually converge toward the top.
As equally important as all of that, came the exposure and processing of the film, which I treat different ways for different projects and subject matter.
Anyway...I hope you enjoy!